Right now I am at Johannesburg airport waiting for my flight back to East London. Standing at the sight where international guests arrive, I started to reflect on my first arrival back in September. I remember entering the doors dragging two large suitcases with feelings of nervousness, excitement, confusion. I had no idea what would happen in this journey.
Now looking at myself, I stand posing with my South African style cap. The bags I carry have been tagged through nine different languages - English, French, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Swati, Afrikaans, Dutch, Chichewa, German.
The orange t-shirt I am sporting has been my “go to” shirt for the nights out at clubs and discos in Cape Town, East London, Mthatha, Sandton, Blantyre, Zomba.
My dress shoes lol. These “kicks” have carried me through weddings, house parties, train rides, documentaries, offices, Churches, airports, the rural areas, townships. There is not enough polish in the world to make these shoes black again!
My eyes. They have seen mountains towering over clouds, rivers and ponds in the middle of vast landscapes; wild animals close enough for one to snap a picture or to run away as fast as you can. They have seen the sky turn blue-grey-purple within an hours time. They have seen stars so clear that you can hold a stencil up to the sky and trace it. They have also seen sorrow beyond words, poverty unimaginable and such deep pain. But they have seen experiences of profound hope.
My heart has been blessed by the wonderful people I have met through invitations to communities, homes, dinner tables, cricket matches, cultures, celebrations. It has been enlightened by the young and enriched by the old. It has remained solid by my family and friends emails, postcards and personal messages.
These past five months the soul has grown, stronger.
…and I am just getting started.