
Dec 16th _ “Ballerz of the world UNITE”

Since University, I have always tried to organize a basketball game among friends. This tradition continued with UNICEF, Humber College and now, South Africa. With a colleague from Ikhwezi HIV/Aids Centre and Zimbabwean students, 3 on 3 basketball was run at a nearby court. For the occasion, Sarah and Lise created a trophy deemed, “Lord Stanley’s Bottle of Triumph”.

The more we played, the more spectators watching, joined in. One of the participants pulled up his car next to the court to blast sweet reggae tunes. It was good times running “pick and rolls” and “dropping dimes” to the sound of “Mr. Boombastic!”.

At the end of it all, a resolution was made: Basketball every Sunday in the New Year.

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On another note, Sarah and Lise have left today for a road trip to Lesotho and Capetown. Last night we had a Christmas/Send off dinner. With the help of the ladies, I prepared what was close to Chicken Biriyani. Although the resemblance was off, the taste was much more closer.

(pictures to be posted soon. I am having trouble uploading at the moment).