It's been great getting to know the Chair of International Development at Niagara College, Jos Nolle. After completing his graduate studies, Jos found an opportunity to leave Holland for a 3 month job in South Africa. Finding the need to explore the world, Jos took out a bank loan and travelled around the globe for a year. After finding his job unsatisfactory, Jos eventually help kick start Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors without Borders in Mozambique as well as across Canada. Now, Jos coordinates with his team to send young professionals abroad to gain international experience while helping out noble causes.
A bit of a romantic, after receiving an email from a former girlfriend that a guy she was dating asked her to marry him, Jos took a vacation from work and went to see her in Canada. Two weeks later he proposed.
"And the rest is history ..."
It is quite enchanting to hear the passion and the places Jos has seen and experienced. It definitely makes the world seem a lot smaller ... and even more personal.